Fully customizable, interactive CMS-based presentation system
Deutsche Börse AG
Börse Frankfurt
Design, Animation, Application and CMS development, Maintenance and Consulting
We implemented customizable templates for the most common events like initial public offerings (IPO) and bellrings. Additionally, there is a flexible template that allows building client-specific presentations with text, images and videos.
Together with our friends at Weltretter, we developed a web-based CMS for managing media files, creating custom templates, and scheduling presentations. It also supports rendering preview videos that can be sent to customers for approval.
The main events are held publicly on the trading floor - a history-rich environment that has seen hundreds of years of on-floor trading. The visually impressive digital presentations are perfectly combined with traditional elements like the actual bell being rung.
The lounge behind the large LED wall offers a more private environment that customers can use for their celebrations. It contains large Screens that can play custom-made presentations including images and videos. The large pillars feature OLED screens that can play a variety of different ambient content to set the right mood for any event.